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Amsterdam 3 Day Guide ©

Amsterdam 3 Day Guide ©


Welcome to your best trips yet – Went There, Loved That Guides are all ready for you to board your next flight. You’ll get a complete itinerary full of the best attractions, eats, nightlife, and experiences in each city, mapped out and completely accessible from your phone. Rest easy knowing your next dream vacation is already planned for you!


So you’ve landed in the capital of the Netherlands, a city know n for its extensive history , storybook houses and gorgeous canals that interlace the streets. You’ll stroll along the city with a world famous cof fee and stroopwafel in hand, grinning ear to ear as music pours out of the houseboats parked along the canals while the wildest bikers race past you. Known for the best beer in the world, and also arguably the most famous museum (Anne Frank House), get ready to raise your glass and cheers to one of the most picturesque and fun cities on the planet!

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